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Our Mission

"The Frying Dutchmen" and "The Holland House".

"The holland house" is our shelter for refugees in Dnipro

Last March, together with the famous hero Denis Khrystov, we experienced the most intense day of our lives when we went for an evacuation in Netailove, a village close to Avdiïvka. There were several artillery hits and most people were in hiding. Still, we were able to speak to a few people.

We spoke with Svetlana , among others. We asked her to come with us, because the Russians were 6 km away. She hesitated. A few days after our first attempt, their own home was hit by mortars and the neighbor's house was completely destroyed by an Avia bomb. Afterwards, she and her husband managed to evacuate. They were the very first residents of our new reception location, which we opened, 80 km from the front, mainly to receive refugees evacuated by Denis.

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This former hotel had to be thoroughly renovated and is now largely finished. We can now accommodate about 70 people . The intention is for our guests to stay for a maximum of two months to recover from their extremely stressful period at the front. These people lived in fear for months, without basic services such as running water, heating and electricity.

With us, guests receive medical care, mental support, good meals, hygiene products, clothing and other necessities . Together with them we look for a permanent residential location. We make sure they have a solid start after leaving our shelter. The shelter will be full quickly, because there are currently many refugees from the Kharkiv and Donbas region

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