Would you like to sponsor us with your company?
There are various ways for a company/organization to become a sponsor of Franky and Coen.
Whichever form of sponsorship you choose.
You do this not only for yourself or for us, but mainly because, like Franky and Coen, you want to do something good and support those in need in Ukraine.
Franky and Coen
owe a lot to:
Grootmeester for the many thousands of croquettes and bitterballen they gave us.
Van Cranenbroek in Budel we received beautiful Christmas decorations and heaters.
Rene Froger, Jeroen van der Boom, Jan Smit and Gerard Joling (and everyone from “the Toppers in Concert BV”) for financial and moral support.
Karen Soeters and other employees of House of Animals (these people do all the right things for animals in need, especially in Ukraine), for all the good advice.
Tom de Vos Videographer
Mavystar Tentenstunter for the help and free repair when our tents were blown down at the Ukrainian border.
Van Lieshout snacks for the many thousands of snacks they gave us.
Piet Hoevenaars Sign Industries for free decals on our cars.
Aviko Netherlands for the donated fries on our second trip.
Remia At this company we could count again and again for oil and sauces. Top!
Rombouts / Froster frozen foods This company has also helped us tremendously by donating thousands of snacks.
Ad van Geloven Another great company that has also gifted us many thousands of snacks.
T Mobile to make it possible for us to make free calls from Ukraine.
Holland foods gifted us hundreds of kilos of luxury candy.
De Poorter Olie took care of the diesel costs of our third trip.
Mathro Industrial tools BV
For providing a professional generator free of charge.
dbontwerpen for all our designs.